Sunday, April 29, 2007

' PARAMNESIA' - 4/29/07

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PARAMNESIA - 4/29/07

Keren and I spent the weekend relaxing. I've been under a lot of stress lately, so we decided to go to the beach. As usual I brought the video camera with me. It's my 'security blanket' I guess.

On the way to the beach I saw a man speaking to a reporter, his associates stood behind him. It looks like they just left a business meeting. There are several large buildings near the beach. I don't know who the man is, but I feel that I've seen him before, so I kept the camera in my 'surveillance camera bag'.

I should have approached him, but I didn't know what to say, when I did have the courage the reporter left as did the man into a waiting SUV.

I'm hoping that the interview surfaces on tv or the internet.

I'm certain that I met him somewhere in the past. It's beginning to bother me.

I've seen this man before, but I don't know where or when.

Is this a case of deja-vu, or am I dreaming?

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