Friday, December 28, 2007

DISTRESSED - 12/28/07

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A Quiet Christmas

The mad rush of Christmas shoppers over the weekend did send me over the edge. But rather than take it out on the public I made a video about it. If someone is honking and tailgating I don't get frustrated, I make a video.

I have to admit that I feel much better even though the video is strange. But it's a good outlet for my anger and frustration.

If angry people spent time writing about their problems, whether that be a blog, video or a diary the world would be a much better place.

I've been reading books about dealing with anger - especially when driving. There are some breathing exercises that help you deal with it. I'll share it with you as soon as I'm done reading the book.

I had a quiet Christmas with Keren and a group of small friends. Made a phone call back home and chatted with the family and friends. I don't miss the cold weather! Although it is a bit cold in the warehouse I usually spend time in the smallest room in the building. I don't have a heater for the building, but then again I don't have huge heating bills.

- Jack - 12/28/07

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