Friday, November 30, 2007


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I visited Keren on Thanksgiving. I have a lot to be thankful for. I have a small group of friends. I have my health and I live faraway from Civilization. (More like 20 minutes).

I avoided the day after Thanksgiving rush by staying home for the entire weekend. I sorted through my trash. It's amazing how much trash one can accumulate.

What was I thinking when I filled out that free subscription to a magazine that I didn't want? Why do I have duplicates of magazines? In some cases I have 2 or more copies of the same book.

I donated another carton of duplicate books to the local library.

I wish that I could take a back hoe and dump all my possessions in a dumpster.

Do I really need things that I haven't seen for years?

I am planning on becoming a mummy and surrounding myself in a tomb? Actually that doesn't sound like a bad idea.

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