I was dead for 3 days from December 23 2005 - December 2 2005.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
TEMPTATION - 11/16/07
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Under the Weather
I spent the last week out of town. I spent time out of town in the past but heading up to Northern California was fun. Even though I was supposed to spent time with Roy.
I headed back into town late last week. I'm feeling sad, not sad like I'm feeling sorry for myself, but ... I don't know sad that I spent quality time with my friend and his family in San Francisco. I'm not a city person, funny when I think about it. I grew up in London, lived for several of my adult years in the East End of London and I still don't feel comfortable there. It was really nice to be at my friend's house, away from the news and TV. We had no idea that the oil tanker hit the base of the Bay Bridge, I didn't know it until my friend saw a newspaper at a liquor store.
I have pleasant memories of San Francisco, I had relatives who lived there and I would visit them as a child in the 1970's. I feel nostalgic whenever I go back. I wish Keren was there but she had work.
The weather reminded me of London, cold and crisp. Actually London is much colder in the fall but nonetheless it brought back memories.
The 4 days I spent up north was good for me, it cleared my head, even though I spent all of Tuesday in bed with the flu! I thought it was food poisoning from some tourist trap in Fisherman's wharf. I should have known better. What was I thinking? It used to be fun to go there as kids, but it's lost it's appeal. Stupid!
There are excellent restaurants where my friend lives in the North Beach section of town. Dunno about all the adult strip clubs though, lot's of stragglers from the suburbs looking for a 'good time' in the city - idiots. Most of them are complete wankers, pissed and yelling all the time. Why do people yell when they have a good time? Or a supposed good time?
I forgot about the hills in S.F. how could I? It must be from the concussion from the accident, maybe me memory isn't as good as it once was. I joked to my friend that one needs a 4 Wheel drive with extra big tyres to drive up and down the hills, but then again he was driving a compact car with a 5 speed transmission! Not for the faint of heart!
I've been sitting in the house under the weather, I'm still recuperating from the '24 hour flu'. I also hit my head on the minivan when I got back. I'm concerned that there may be some swelling. I guess once you hit the age of 40+ one constantly worries about your health. At least I caught up with the drudgery of housework. But I'm still under the weather.
I know the grass is always greener somewhere else but I'm beginning to think that I need to visit Northern California more often, but next time I'm taking the train where I can relax, sleep and read a good book.
Speaking of good reading materials, I've been reading the latest issue of 'The Believer' - the Nov. issue? with an interesting article on Jean Tinguely. If you haven't heard of him do a google, yahoo etc. search very interesting artist. He's the forerunner of modern machine art, sort of like Mark Pauline's Survival Research Laboratories.
I also want to see 'THE IMAGINARY 20TH CENTURY'. So many things to do ...
Enough writing I'm going to bed. It's early and I'm feeling tired.
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