Saturday, December 23, 2006


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December 23, 2006

I had a good day today. Visited some car dealers. Pretended to buy a car. Climbed into their skull and rummaged around. It was fun messing about with the abundance of air in the space that would usually occupied with their brain.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Quite confusing, maybe alien abduction. Allow yourself to heal, relax, maybe hypnotist could help. Pain killers may allow your brain to think instead of fighting your pain. After your accident did you forget anything important, like family names, etc. If not, maybe your looking for something where there is nothing to find. If you did, maybe there is something to find. Why would you have cameras everywhere, unless you felt you were in danger before the accident, or maybe the cameras were to watch somebody else. Good luck guy. Everytime I thought I knew it all, I learnt something new. I have gone through an accident myself, your mind wanders more to protect itself, but it will get better if you allow yourself to. The truth always comes to the top, sooner or later. Good luck. A voice from Montreal. Alien