I'm in a black hole of desperation. Still in shock ... loneliness is creeping in. I'm in constant doubt about everything that's going on around me. Pouring my feelings into the latest blog has taken my mind of my depression. But it's only a temporary fix.
Sometimes I wonder if I was meant to be ... I don't fit in society, I'm an outcast. I look around me and see all the couples, married, new romance and I get depressed. But then again I'm looking at a security monitor. I never leave home.
On the plus side I've been doing consultation work, so I don't need to leave home. But it's costing me alot of money to get the groceries dropped off at the front door ... but with the high cost of gas prices, it's probably saving me money ... hmmm, never thought about that.
Been watching a lot of films from netflix ... the police called the other day, they're still investigating, but I fear it's just a courtesy call.
Dunno why I've been in a writing mood today. It's been such a long time since I've posted a blog or a video. But it's been necessary, considering my recent plague of the black mood.
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